Bathroom Cleaning Tips

General Tips

* Keep an all-purpose cleaner and a sponge in the guest bath so you can sneak away and clean up when unexpected company shows up.
* Keep a squeegee in the shower so everyone can wipe it down when they are done.
* Disinfectant can be used on everything in the bath except the mirror.
* Don't forget doorknobs and switchplates.
* Clean after a steamy bath or shower. The walls, fixtures, etc., will be much easier to clean because the steam will have loosened the dirt.
* Wipe a stainless steel sink with vinegar or a touch of oil on a cloth to make the sink sparkle.

Cleaning Toilet Bowl

* Clean the toilet bowl while you're away by pouring in 1/4 cup bleach and leaving it until you return.
* Keep the toilet bowl ring-free by pouring a half-gallon of white vinegar in it once a month. Let it soak overnight before flushing.
* Don't use bleach if you're already using a tank-held cleaner that's released when the toilet is flushed. The two may react chemically.
* To avoid clogging and odors, pour one cup baking soda down the bowl weekly.

Air Freshener

* For immediate air freshener in the bath, place a fabric softener sheet in the wastepaper basket or add a dab of fragrance on a light bulb. When the light is on, the heat releases the aroma.
* To freshen drain, pour 1/4 to 1/2 box of baking soda down the drain, add 1/2 cup of white vinegar. Cover drain tightly for a few minutes and flush with cold water.

Shower Doors

* Rub glass shower doors with a white vinegar-dampened sponge to remove soap residue.
* To clean shower track door, pour full strength vinegar into the track, let soak for a few minutes, then rinse.
* A coat of acrylic floor finish gives new shine to fiberglass shower doors and makes water spots disappear. Club soda will give new shine to your counter tops.

Cleaning Shower Curtains

* Before hanging shower curtains, soak in salt water solutions to prevent mildew.
* To remove mildew, wash in hot soapy water, rub with lemon juice and let the shower curtain dry in the sun.
* For plastic curtains, clean with laundry pre-wash spray. Spray along the top, letting it run down to cover the curtain. Allow it to sit for a few minutes, then rinse it off.